The Soul’s Growth & The Akashic Records  

The human spirit’s journey does not end when one leaves the physical plane of existence. While many fear leaving the physical plane, this state of existence is in fact only the first step in a long journey to spiritual transformation.

So how does the spirit begin to grow and transform in the physical realm?

Growth in spiritual terms is essentially self-awareness. And self-awareness in the physical realm is achieved by experiencing events and performing actions that are based on cause & effect relationships.

As you may have already read elsewhere, man’s physical existence really is a never ending chain of choices. One choice leads to another choice, and so on. Cause & effect is the driving force behind these choices, as well as one’s desires and intentions.

The Akashic Records are important for spiritual growth because it helps a person realize potentialities in the present time. Other spiritual concepts like reincarnation do not dwell on past lives, not really.

What past lives offer are simply the possibilities of action that one can finally realize in one’s present life. Focusing on what can be achieved in the ‘now’ directly contributes to the transformation of one’s physical and spiritual life.

One good example of how proper readings of the Akashic Records can lead to personal growth is chronicled in one of Edgar Cayce’s own psychic readings. In one reading of a woman, Cayce noted that the woman has been incarnated several times throughout the centuries.

She had lived in Colonial America as well as in Persia. In Cayce’s present time, the woman was a career woman living in the United States. According to Cayce, many facets and talents of the woman had been acquired through her experiences in her past lives but these facets, talents and tendencies are not fixed or unchanging.

For example, it was found that the woman sometimes preferred being alone or away from family, friends or colleagues. According to Cayce, this tendency can be used positively (e.g. resting or rejuvenation after a long day’s work) or negatively (e.g. becoming completely aloof, which may lead to selfish desires). As you can see, one’s past life has little bearing on one’s present intention. If a person does not act upon positive tendencies that have been revealed through a reading of the Akashic Records, then nothing will happen - no personal or spiritual growth will occur.

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